Facebook and Spotify have often said that sharing is an inherent human trait. I disagree. Active vs Passive Sharing ACTIVE sharing, when we deliberately take time and effort to share what we like, is a human trait. It demands attention on both sides, and increases the content’s value. PASSIVE sharing, an automated feed of things […]
Tag Archives: spotify
How Google Play can forge a new Music Industry
Rumours are that Google Play will soon launch outside the US. The music industry will be overjoyed to see a player of Google’s size enter the market, hoping they’ll sell music to a whole new demographic just as iTunes did a decade ago. However, this will be a different beast entirely, with new lessons to […]
Why Streaming Can Make Music Special Again
I often hear thoughts like.… “Yes music being everywhere is convenient, but it makes it less special. I don’t savour the act of buying or listening anymore. That trip to my local indie shop and placing the record on the turntable for the first time was SPECIAL. Streaming music never will be.” I beg to differ. […]
Why The Latest Spotify Update Changes Everything
Spotify have added some key features in their latest update, which you can download here. Essentially, it removes the need to ever use the iTunes client to get music from your PC to your iPod Classic, Touch, or iPhone. Here’s a lovely video that explains it better than words. For 10 years, Apple have been the […]
How to Make The Perfect Music Service
Following on from my detailed look into What A Music Fan Wants To Own and Why, we are left with a lot of problems to solve. If nobody wants to own music anymore, what will they pay for? If Sky have managed to charge people £50/month for content the customer doesn’t own, it can’t be […]
What Do Music Fans Want To Own, and Why?
I’ve spent my teenage and adult life obsessing over my music collection. Meticulously arranging hand labelled tapes and CD’s was FUN, but when the same job arrived for mp3’s and my collection swelled to 125gb’s, it became a massive chore. But I still felt compelled to own something, and so I continued for many years, […]
How Understanding Choice Will Bring Music Streaming To The Masses
I used to think that when it came to listening to music, what I and everybody else wanted was simple. We wanted everything, now and forever, wherever we are. And if we enjoyed the process, we’ll pay for it too (honestly, we will). But this isn’t strictly the case. Choice Paralysis Spotify Premium offers just this, […]