It’s six days since Gigwise first set foot in the Roskilde grounds, and it’s beginning to show. Hangovers and dehydration become more extreme everyday, and we can only marvel at the 17 year old Swedes drunk by midday on lighter fluid (we WISH we were joking) who we are greeted by every day we when […]
Tag Archives: roskilde festival
Roskilde Festival — Day 3, Saturday 1/07/06
Today music was forced to take the back seat as a certain football game, which won’t be mentioned here, took place in the scorching afternoon sun. Before the heartbreak however, there was time to wander into the local Roskilde town for a fresh supply of food and booze, scale the famous climbing wall, have a […]
Roskilde Festival – Day 2, Friday 30/06/06
Kicking off the day in style were gypsy punk rockers Gogol Bordello, who have been gathering support over recent years with their absurdly energetic live shows and catchy singles. Ukrainian-American lead entertainer Eugene Hutz is the centre of the show as he steers his band through the party performance lapped up by the hungover Roskilde […]
Roskilde Festival – Day 1, Thursday 29/06/06
After already attempting to survive the Roskilde experience for three days, some light relief from the scorching sunshine and quite frankly scary Scandinavians finally arrives in the form of sweet, joyous, dance your face off music. For Gigwise, the Danish born WhoMadeWho are the first to step up, and provide a perfect springboard for the […]