Tag Archives: arctic monkeys

Roskilde Festival – Day 4, Sunday 2/​​07/​​06

It’s six days since Gigwise first set foot in the Roskilde grounds, and it’s beginning to show. Hangovers and dehydration become more extreme everyday, and we can only marvel at the 17 year old Swedes drunk by midday on lighter fluid (we WISH we were joking) who we are greeted by every day we when […]

Arctic Monkeys @ Plymouth Pavilions, Tuesday 18/​​04/​​06

When the announcement of a gig manages to make local news headlines, one can immediately see that this is something more than your average band making the long trip down south. It’s the Arctic Monkeys’ biggest set of shows to date, with Mr Turner and co fresh from snubbed celebrity parties and rare TV appearances […]