These are words that do not fit anywhere else. Do not cry for them, they're just like indie kids. By trying not to fit in, they have made a group just for themselves, equally as identifiable as the others. Silly words.

A late start to 2012, but a start nonetheless. 2011, allegedly the Year of the Word, was a little light on activity on this here site. Words were sacrificed for an obsession for making the site EXACTLY as I wanted it. I learnt a lot and achieved very little, but that’s kinda the point.     […]

Welcome back to schoool. Due to a number of reasons I’ve taken a little break recently, but from now on these here pages will be filled with more words than you can ever imagine. Having spent much of the last few weeks delving deaper into the dark, shady world of web design with this little […]

It is with great sadness that our good friend Ben (or Bin as he is known, due to his Kiwi accent) has left us for the foreseeable future. He has flown to Damascus which I’ve been told is, like, MILES away in some place WELL foreign, and is riding his little pink push bike all […]

So. As you can probably see I have decided to start a blog. I have had to harness the one time of the year, or perhaps decade, when my two ‘bored’ and ‘motivated’ axis cross to begin such a self indulgant task, the time of year when days spent in hiding from the outside world […]

I’m not gonna dwell on this as it’s already old news and frankly enough has been said on the subject, but here is the unedited rant that in part prompted me to start this blog. I suddenly realised that I had nowhere to write such drivel, and so with hours remaining in the race I […]