The Phosphorescent of old was a lonely, mysterious character, heavily bearded, who stood shadowed and hunched on stage performing his understated ballads. But the demeanour fitted the early songs from debut albums ‘Aw Come Aw Wry’ and ‘Pride’, and those early shows were some of the most striking I saw in 2007/8. Three years and […]
Author Archives: ChrisStoneman
Saint Simon by The Shins
There’s no beating a perfect melody, and Saint Simon has several, all of which are delivered through a set of lyrics packed with more rhymic flow than on your average Kanye track. The spacious instrumentation allow the lyrics to breathe and sweep you away in a breathless tide of nonchalent musings, some of which hold […]
Digital Economy Act - What The Letters Should Say
Some time in mid-late 2011, p2p file sharers in the UK will receive letters warning them that if they ignore this and subsequent warnings, they will have their internet bandwidth narrowed, or be disconnected for a period of time. Last week I wrote an update on the DEA, where I stressed that it will be […]
Snookered by Dan Deacon
It begins with a smiling child playing a glockenspiel. It ends with a glockenspiel playing a smiling child, beating him to a pulp in the process. The idle afternoon in the sun of the first 2 minutes is interrupted by the vocal entrance and the keyboard, and we begin to suspect that things won’t always […]
Digital Economy Act - What Next?
It’s been over 6 months since I wrote my summary of the Digital Economy Bill, and my thoughts on it. Since then the last breaths of the Labour government successfully pushed this through, and it became the Digital Economy Act. So here’s where we are now. Communications minister Ed Vaizey has said that government expect […]
Atlas by Battles
The first time I heard this song, I physically couldn’t sit still. It shows that when executed well, rhythms can build tension equally as well as melody or lyrical content. It doesn’t matter what he says, it’s when he says it that’s important. The drum sets the standard, with each subsequent addition coming at it’s […]
Is The Black Eyed Peas’ Music Worthless?
Firstly, this is not post written from a snobby pedestal bashing pop music for being shallow and vacuous. It’s a thought into how the public value music, a subject under the spotlight in recent years. The Black Eyes Peas have a new song (listen here) that will, without doubt, be a huge hit. It’s called […]