A late start to 2012, but a start nonetheless. 2011, allegedly the Year of the Word, was a little light on activity on this here site. Words were sacrificed for an obsession for making the site EXACTLY as I wanted it. I learnt a lot and achieved very little, but that’s kinda the point. […]
Author Archives: ChrisStoneman
Months of Music - Spring to Summer 2011
Here’s my summary of the last few months in music. I make no effort to actually keep abreast of new musical developments, and pay no attention to media that others breathe on an hourly basis. However, these revelations occasionally reach me in some twisted form, and will be regurgitated here. The first words have to […]
False Advertising by Bright Eyes
I’ve always thought that the sound of the record crackling at 36 seconds and beyond, was actually the sound of fireworks erupting to an unobservant crowd. It’s not, obviously, but there’s something in this image that seems to fit. Conor Oberst is debating the virtues of performing, and of the way he lives his life. He […]
Why The Latest Spotify Update Changes Everything
Spotify have added some key features in their latest update, which you can download here. Essentially, it removes the need to ever use the iTunes client to get music from your PC to your iPod Classic, Touch, or iPhone. Here’s a lovely video that explains it better than words. For 10 years, Apple have been the […]
Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones
The 1960’s was a time of questions. The young had the time and freedom to question all they were told, be it by world leaders, society or religious institutions. 1968’s ‘Sympathy For The Devil’ is an extension of this desire to pose questions, but The Stones twist the idea on its head by taking the […]
The Ball Game by Sister Wynona Carr
Gospel is often the forgotten musical bridge between then and now, and its continued influence on todays sounds should not be overlooked. Sister Wynona Carr’s 1952 hit ‘The Ball Game’, a warm, innocent lesson on life played through by biblical figures on a Baseball Pitch, is a perfect example of this. Arriving two full years before […]
How to Make The Perfect Music Service
Following on from my detailed look into What A Music Fan Wants To Own and Why, we are left with a lot of problems to solve. If nobody wants to own music anymore, what will they pay for? If Sky have managed to charge people £50/month for content the customer doesn’t own, it can’t be […]