Positive Jam by The Hold Steady

The first song on the first album should be an announcement of arrival or a statement of intent. This is both. If you never paid attention in history class, here is Craig Finn’s version of the 20th century condensed into two lines per decade. Reaching the present day (as it was in 2000) the Hold Steady begin their life knowing how they are going to live it. “WE GOTTA START IT WITH A POSITIVE JAM!”

Unashamedly crunching guitars lead to Finn shouting his orders.

All the sniffling indie kids, HOLD STEADY

And all the clustered up clever kids, HOLD STEADY.

And after a verse and a chorus it ends, but we’ve been holding steady ever since. This was followed by five of the best albums of the decade, which we weren’t to know at the time. Now that we do, it’s even more triumphant.

Where now? Click here to listen to this song and others on the Words.About.Music Spotify Playlist, and read about each track here.

One Comment

  • Hey Jeff Took a day off today and while relishing in soudilte, I was going through archived shows. Had to listen to May 22nd as I’m a huge Dylan fan. Loved the whole show of course, but also got turned on to Dylan I’d never heard before, Wedding Song. Great! And to wrap it up with OCMS. Love it! Anyway, I missed Ron when he headed to Fargo last week, but I’m under good authority that a Warped 45 disc is waiting for me in the lake country next time I head that way. I always try to stay up to date listening to posted shows online. Thanks for always bringing something new I love everytime I listen. Laura

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