State Of The Art deserves to be the signature tune from Gotye’s recent album ‘Making Mirrors’, but for many it won’t be. It’s the artist and his album left to boil at a low heat for years, leaving the rich essence of a body of work sunmarised in 5 wonderful minutes of music.
We begin with a fun, pooping horn, bubbles of keyboard and a piercing drum, whilst Gotye’s voice is digested then regurgitated as a hypnotic robot narrator. Each layer feels carefully and precisely arranged, though in reality it’s simply the combination samples and some simple effects, as shown in this video.
It’s FUN. There’s SPACE. The living room Gotye describes is as airy and busy as the song itself. Granted, lyrics about a mans favourite organ may not have the masses singing along, but who needs cliched heartache anyway?
If you want meaning it’s there to add – our culture’s obsession with the new, the cheapening (or not?) of traditional art with today’s digitised versions …… WHATEVER.
When there’s this much music to absorb (the final 40 seconds alone outclasses most songs) who cares what it means. Sometimes we’re so obsessed with art’s meaning that we forget to consider what it actually is. And this is an enthralling piece of music.
“But these amazing simulations end up sounding even better than the real thing.”
Where now? Click here to listen to this song and others on the Words.About.Music Spotify Playlist, and read about each track here.
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